I help dads to find their mojo again in life, prioritise what they really value, along with transforming their marriages in the process.Think you've tried everything already?Think again.
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The Journey is my regular Newsletter for people that listen to my podcast or follow me.I share insights, anecdotes and parts of my own journey along with what I learn from the remarkable guests on my podcasts and regular teachings.Join me as we saddle up for the journey.
Are you a dad who is looking to meet some new friends and carve out a bit of time for himself once a month?Let's face it for many of us guys our friendship groups have shrunk to smaller than the size of a flea.If you are anything like a lot of men, you've probably lost touch with buddies from school or university and most of the chaps in your social circle are husbands of your wife's friends.And asking other blokes if they want to hang out can be a tad.......well.........awkward.....to say the least.Well, it's just not what blokes do is it?So we all end up sitting indoors watching Netflix and ordering food, bemoaning the fact we have no mates.While our wives go "you really should text/whatsapp so and so and meet up"..
.......sound familiar?Yep I know the score!!Problem is we weren't designed for this and as we're inherently social creatures.Men have lost their tribes and it's really not turning out that great for us.We end up:❌ isolated
❌ lonely
❌ depressed
❌ anxious
❌ bouncing around in our own headsBut it doesn't need to be this way.This year I set up a walking group especially for dads.We meet on the last Saturday of every month at Colemans Hatch on the beautiful Ashdown Forest.💪 2 hours of hiking 7-9 a.m.
💪 Coffee stop at half time
💪 Free to attend
💪 Meet new friends
💪 Recharge your batteries 🔋
💪 Return to your families refreshed and reinvigoratedLook I know you will be super nervous raising your hand and asking to come along but trust me when I say, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.Just put one step forward.Click below for more info.
If you would like to contact me about speaking then click below.

Hi I am Joe Horton.I'm a 44 year old married father of two and a business owner.In 2015 when I was 36 I lost my dad quite suddenly which knocked me for six, and it forced me to take a look at my life, where it was going and what I was doing.It also brought to the surface a ton of stuff that I had to work on in my life going forward.Because you see like most men approaching or at middle aged, objectively everything looked fine and dandy.I had everything I was told would make me happy.But I felt empty and lost at times. Living in the past, worried about the future, putting on a mask and hoping that nobody would notice. I also felt guilty for feeling this way, I had no clue about who to talk about it and I was living a life on autopilot most of the time. My friendship group had also shrunk to the size of a flea.I thought that I would be reaching a point in life where I had stuff kind of worked out - but the reality is I was simply scratching the surface.There were a number of cracks appearing and I was simply papering over them.I thought that simply doing what everyone else did was the answer, to stick my head down and just keep doing what I was doing.A chance listen to a podcast one day and joining a brotherhood of men in the USA set my life on a totally different trajectory. I was thrown completely out of my comfort zone and it revealed to me the untapped potential within myself......and ultimately the men I would eventually lead.I've now held leadership positions in mens groups in the US, and run my own brotherhood for dads in the UK. I've also been podcasting for three years now interviewing some of the most remarkable people on the planet in order to better understand myself, the journey I am on, and help others from what I learn.My specialisms are relationship dynamics, the midlife journey that men go through, and how we can improve our relationships with others, once we begin to improve our relationships with ourselves.I've personal, first hand experience of bereavement at a young age, neurodiversity & mental health struggles of my own which bring real world experience to my coaching work, speaking and dads group that I run.Joe

The Journey is my regular Newsletter for people that listen to my podcast or follow me.I share insights, anecdotes and parts of my own journey along with what I learn from the remarkable guests on my podcasts and regular teachings.Join me as we saddle up for the journey.
Are you a dad who is looking to meet some new friends and carve out a bit of time for himself once a month?Let's face it for many of us guys our friendship groups have shrunk to smaller than the size of a flea.If you are anything like a lot of men, you've probably lost touch with buddies from school or university and most of the chaps in your social circle are husbands of your wife's friends.And asking other blokes if they want to hang out can be a tad.......well.........awkward.....to say the least.Well, it's just not what blokes do is it?So we all end up sitting indoors watching Netflix and ordering food, bemoaning the fact we have no mates.While our wives go "you really should text/whatsapp so and so and meet up"..
.......sound familiar?Yep I know the score!!Problem is we weren't designed for this and as we're inherently social creatures.Men have lost their tribes and it's really not turning out that great for us.We end up:❌ isolated
❌ lonely
❌ depressed
❌ anxious
❌ bouncing around in our own headsBut it doesn't need to be this way.This year I set up a walking group especially for dads.We meet on the last Saturday of every month at Colemans Hatch on the beautiful Ashdown Forest.💪 2 hours of hiking 7-9 a.m.
💪 Coffee stop at half time
💪 Free to attend
💪 Meet new friends
💪 Recharge your batteries 🔋
💪 Return to your families refreshed and reinvigoratedLook I know you will be super nervous raising your hand and asking to come along but trust me when I say, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.Just put one step forward.Click below for more info.
If you are a dad, there is a good chance that the happily ever after, sail off into the sunset bliss of fatherhood and family life isn't quite what you imagined it would be.You were probably sold a story about settling down with your 'soulmate', having kids and getting a house making you finally happy once and for all.Let's be honest you thought by this point of life you would have some of this life stuff figured out.Except you are not happy a lot of the time.If you are anything like a lot of dads, you're probably super stressed, overwhelmed, struggling to keep your head above water, at the same time as struggling to show up as the husband and father your wife and kids deserve.Far from figuring things out you are more confused, stressed and anxious than you've ever been about life and where exactly YOUR life is headed.The more you put your head down, try harder and try to figure out why things aren't going to plan the worse it gets.Well, blokes don't complain, they just get on with it right?So we all end up on the hamster wheel of life trying harder and harder while our lives go further into groundhog day on autopilot.You want to get yourself sorted but you don't have a clue where to start.Yep I know the score!!Unfortunately the standard operating procedure for men is to concentrate on work and family to the exclusion of all else.It's in this place we end up losing ourselves and everyone around us loses the man they once knew.We end up:❌ frustrated
❌ lonely
❌ depressed
❌ anxious
❌ overwhelmed
❌ out of shape
❌ demoralised
❌ in sexless relationships
❌ unable to be fully present with those around us
❌ struggling to communicate
❌ procrastinating
❌ existing instead of livingBut it doesn't need to be this way.I specialise in coaching dads overcome a lot of the things that I've listed above.And what's more..........I do so in a simple and effective way that will see you:💪 Gaining clarity about what you value in life and why
💪 Taking steps towards living that life on a daily basis
💪 Crushing procrastination and finally doing what you said you would
💪 Putting yourself first for once
💪 Recharging your batteries instead of running on fumes all the damn time
💪 Prioritising your physical health
💪 Discovering healthy ways to manage your mental health
💪 Gain confidence in leading your family consistently and effectively
💪 Transform your marriage from one of room mates to one of excitement and attraction
💪 Put in place boundaries around the behaviour of others across multiple areas of your life.
💪 Grow in confidence and accomplishment as you begin to seize new opportunities that come your way.Fancy having a chat with me about how I can help you?👇Click the button below and book in for a chat 👇
Warren's Story
Joe has been a lifeline for me. When I first came across Joe, I messaged him and we exchanged pleasantries.At that time my life was ‘kinda’ stable and I felt that I had the issues in hand.Within a matter of months I found myself in a rapidly downward spiral in my life. I was made redundant and at about the same time my fragile marriage collapsed.I am a highly respected professional in my work. I have been held in high regard by friends and associates for a successful life, marriage and family. And suddenly the world was collapsing in on me.My wife and I had previously (over the last 17 years) been for marriage counselling on multiple occasions and in each instance it seemed to be like a stone skimming across the surface. This is no disrespect to the counsellors involved but rather a reflection of how we (my wife and I) used the advice and support we had received.We were not going to try counselling again as we agreed that had not worked before. Both my wife and I truly believed that we had given the marriage our all and that there was nothing left but to accept defeat and separate. It was a very dark moment for me.I reached out to Joe.He immediately showed kindness and compassion. He understood me. He offered advice and recommended reading for me. Joe has an incredible aptitude to understand without exhaustive questioning. He has an extraordinary skill to empathise with married men (me) and give clear and accurate food for thought.I took everything that Joe suggested on-board. I read and sought out more reading and I was astounded at how much new information Joe had to share that nobody in my whole life (50 plus years) had never shared with me. I went through a journey of self-discovery with Joe – and throughout the period of mentorship Joe let me enquire and explore while he carefully stood back and also checked in on me.I learnt where I had messed up. I simply didn’t understand and I had been making the same mistakes year after year. Amongst the set of complications (we all have them) I had been valiantly striving to be more and more the ‘nice guy’. I had strived to mould myself to be something that I thought was right. I was way off. My wife didn’t respect any more. I changed tack. I put the advice I had discovered (from working with Joe) into action. It was revolutionary.Within 20 minutes of discussion with my wife I saw a look on her face that I had not encountered for years and thereafter she leant forward and gave me a kiss - just a gesture of acknowledgement but a monumental change. From that moment on my wife and I have grown and worked together on rebuilding our tattered marriage. The path back has been exhilarating – sometimes incredibly positive and sometimes incredibly challenging but we now have new tools and new mechanisms of dealing with issues and sharing a life of full and frank understanding, communication and love.Joe has kept an eye on me throughout the (as yet incomplete) journey. He is genuine, non-invasive, present, human (imperfect), pragmatic and has been the single source of unlocking what was an unsolvable puzzle for me. I will forever be indebted to Joe. There are insufficient words to say thank you and offer my recommendation about Joe.If you are a married man and ‘stuck’ my top tip is – Ask Joe.
If you would like to contact me about speaking then click below.